Thursday, December 30, 2010

Starting Point

My wife is happy. My kids are well adjusted. I have no debt and am healthy. My business is filled with talented people whom I trust, and it creates more than adequate wealth for me. So, now what do I do? That is the question.

In March, it is my intention to travel to Nepal and visit the Dang Valley. I lived there between 1987-1989 as a Peace Corps Volunteer. On this visit, I am going to see old colleagues and visit some sites of a proposed non-profit school that the community there needs some help in building.

The intention is for them to provide the land and some of the labor. Hopefully, others can contribute money to pay for cost of the materials. I have asked others to assist getting the finances and doing some of the engineering. No, there is no budget yet. No there is no fixed start date.

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